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Monday 17 February 2014

Liebster Award

OMG!!!!! I've got an award and I've been blogging for a week... well that's what I said before I realised what it was and then felt slightly stupid  BUT its just as good as an award because its a way to meet and interact with new bloggers which is ideal for me as i'm now into my second week of blogging and I LOVE it so far!! 
This award is a way of getting bloggers with under 200 followers a bit of notice!  All you have to do is answer 11 questions that have been sent to you by whoever has nominated you.  Then you create 11 questions and nominate 11 bloggers so answer those questions... pretty easy :)

Sooo I would like to thank the lovely for nominating me for this!! 

Here goes...

1. What's the best thing you love about blogging?
So far my favourite thing about blogging is interacting with like minded people, learning fashion tips and beauty tips!  I love seeing all the beauty products people buy and being able to read honest opinions on whether or not they are good.

2. What is your favorite type of blog post to read?
I LOVE reading skincare posts, I'm a skincare junkie its my absolute favourite.

3. You are stranded on a desert island and you are only allowed to get on YouTube tutorials or blog posts... which do you choose?
Do you have access to the internet on deserted islands?

4. If you could only use one or the other, which would it be out of eye shadow or lipstick?
I would probably choose eye shadow!

5. Where is the place that you would like to visit the most?

6. How do you get your motivation to blog?
My sister has been blogging for a while so if im not feeling motivated I get her to nag me.

7. If you could have any celebrity best friend in the whole world, who would it be?
Beyonce without a doubt!!

8. Who are your favorite bloggers and why? - Great blog and she does eBay wishlist posts which I love!!

9. Boots or Superdrug?
BOOTS! No competition 

10. How much do you spend per month on blog related products?
I've not been blogging that length of time soooo i'll get back to you on that!

11. What was is/was your favorite subject at school and why?
Art&Design I loved the relaxed atmosphere there was never any pressure because it was something I loved.  

So there we have it, that's all my questions answered its now my turn :)...

1.  Why did you start blogging?
2.  What is your 3 fashion or beauty must haves?
3.  What is your favorite skin care product and why?
4.  What is your must have scent?
5.  Who is your idol?
6.  What currently is your favourrite thing about blogging?
7.  What is your favourite fashion season? (i.e autmn/winter)
8.  What is your absolute dream item to own?
9.  What is your favourite TV Series?
10.What is your favourite online shopping website?
11. Finally who is your favourite blogger so far?

I would like to nominate...

Let me know once you've posted! 

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