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Tuesday 18 February 2014

Victoria's Secret Haul

Hellooooo, how are we? Hope you've all had a lovely week so far! If you haven't then it's probably not a good time to share that... IM GOING TO BEYONCE ON THURSDAY!!!!! (Sorry)

Any wayyyyy this blog post isn't about that it's about my latest Victorias Secret Haul!  If you've had the pleasure of experiencing the beautiful sweet smells of the Victoria's Secret body spray range please share your experience, for those of you who haven't  please let me assist you in making the right choice. Now I don't own the full range (just yet) but I'm well on my way!! I've also recently purchased the moisturisers as well.

So first up we have Love Spell Fragrance Mist & Body Lotion.  This is one of the most popular of the Victorias Secret collection and it's not hard too see... Or should that be smell why!  The fragrance is Cherry Blossom & Peach.  It smells delicious it's a very very sweet scent the peach definetley comes through quite strong, in my opinion it's more fruity than floral but I personally love it if your not into extra sweet smells this one isn't for you! The moisturiser smell the exact same but obviously less concentrated, it's nice and light on the skin it's not a thick moisturiser it absorbs really fast into the skin so you're not left feeling sticky or greasy your skin feels lovely afterwards.  The lotion also contains Vitamin E and C which is great for the skin.

This brings me onto the next I got as a set of two which is the Aqua Kiss Fragrance Mist & Body Lotion.  I've really seen anyone write about this one before but it's definitely one of my favourites the scent is "rain kissed freesia & daisy" I mean I can't say I smell Daisy's but it's definetley a very pleasant fresh floral scent it's nice and light it's not heavy or over bearing I think it's great for every day wear as well where as Love Spell you might get a little sick of everyday because it's so sweet!

Now onto this fabulous trio (pink to make the boys wink) Pure Seduction "red plum & freesia" This was actually the first Victoria s Secret spray I ever bought and I still love it to this day it's really fruity but it's not over powering and I used to use this one every single day all my friends loved it and went out and bought it as well so that says it all!  It's just a lovely clean smell with a bit of depth! I also have the miniature of this I take it in my bag everywhere and also the miniature moisturiser they are amazing little travel sizes.

Sheer Love "white cotton & pink lily" as soon as you hear the word cotton you automatically associate it with fresh and clean or is that just me?? This scent is beautiful it's seems for me like an actual perfume scent than a body mist if that makes sense, it smells timeless! You get the clean smell from the cotton but a strong scent of lily! It's beautiful I love it when I smell it I think of a lovely sunny day in a beautiful garden it's amazing!!!!

Pure Daydream "pearl orchid & pink current" I'm still uncertain of this one the first time I smelt it I thought "ohh I'm not sure of you" but I have to say it has grown on me! The first time I smelt it I thought it smelt a little cheap but I have changed my opinion since then! The best way I can describe this is like a floral talcum powder! I could be way off the mark but that's what it smells like to me and I do quite like the smell of talcum powder!

On to the final two....

Hello Darling "white nectarine & peony" not only is the name and colours adorable the smell is equally adorable!! The nectarine really stands out but it doesn't smell too citrusy the peony obviously mellows it! It's just a lovely fun floral/fruity smell! Nice, light and sweet but just the right amount of sweet! This one of my favourites!!!!

Endless Love "apple blossom & ylang ylang" this one again like most Victoria's Secret mists is really fresh and clean!  This one actually reminds me of the smell of shampoo when your washing your hair and I absolutely love that smell if you use good shampoo you'll know what I'm talking about! This is definetley one you could get away with everyday!

Soooo to round things off I have a little miniatures set which I mentioned before it contains Pure Seduction, Love Spell and Amber Romance "amber & cream anglaise" (which we haven't discussed and if your anything like me you'll type into google... define anglaise) this is my least favourite out them all I don't like the smell of amber it's a bit too strong for me I like nice light floral/fruity smell.  If you like scents with a bit more depth and you like an amber scent this will however be perfect for you!

And FINALLY.... I got this little cute make up bag which is the perfect size (for me) for using everyday! I absolutely LOVE the colour and the way it sparkles it's absoooolutley gorgeous!!!! Victorias Secret absolutley hit the nail on the head when it comes to packaging and design of their products, they are so eye catching and appeal to every girl!! If we cant be a Victoria s Secret Angel we can at least smell like one!!


Sooooo if you didn't bail out on me on this very long post please suggest some Victoria's Secret Scents you've tried and would recommend or if you have any questions at all about what to choose or where you can buy from drop me a comment and I'll get back to you :) 

Monday 17 February 2014

Liebster Award

OMG!!!!! I've got an award and I've been blogging for a week... well that's what I said before I realised what it was and then felt slightly stupid  BUT its just as good as an award because its a way to meet and interact with new bloggers which is ideal for me as i'm now into my second week of blogging and I LOVE it so far!! 
This award is a way of getting bloggers with under 200 followers a bit of notice!  All you have to do is answer 11 questions that have been sent to you by whoever has nominated you.  Then you create 11 questions and nominate 11 bloggers so answer those questions... pretty easy :)

Sooo I would like to thank the lovely for nominating me for this!! 

Here goes...

1. What's the best thing you love about blogging?
So far my favourite thing about blogging is interacting with like minded people, learning fashion tips and beauty tips!  I love seeing all the beauty products people buy and being able to read honest opinions on whether or not they are good.

2. What is your favorite type of blog post to read?
I LOVE reading skincare posts, I'm a skincare junkie its my absolute favourite.

3. You are stranded on a desert island and you are only allowed to get on YouTube tutorials or blog posts... which do you choose?
Do you have access to the internet on deserted islands?

4. If you could only use one or the other, which would it be out of eye shadow or lipstick?
I would probably choose eye shadow!

5. Where is the place that you would like to visit the most?

6. How do you get your motivation to blog?
My sister has been blogging for a while so if im not feeling motivated I get her to nag me.

7. If you could have any celebrity best friend in the whole world, who would it be?
Beyonce without a doubt!!

8. Who are your favorite bloggers and why? - Great blog and she does eBay wishlist posts which I love!!

9. Boots or Superdrug?
BOOTS! No competition 

10. How much do you spend per month on blog related products?
I've not been blogging that length of time soooo i'll get back to you on that!

11. What was is/was your favorite subject at school and why?
Art&Design I loved the relaxed atmosphere there was never any pressure because it was something I loved.  

So there we have it, that's all my questions answered its now my turn :)...

1.  Why did you start blogging?
2.  What is your 3 fashion or beauty must haves?
3.  What is your favorite skin care product and why?
4.  What is your must have scent?
5.  Who is your idol?
6.  What currently is your favourrite thing about blogging?
7.  What is your favourite fashion season? (i.e autmn/winter)
8.  What is your absolute dream item to own?
9.  What is your favourite TV Series?
10.What is your favourite online shopping website?
11. Finally who is your favourite blogger so far?

I would like to nominate...

Let me know once you've posted! 

Sunday 9 February 2014

My Go To Skincare Products

Hellooooo again :) So my second blog post is on a few skincare products I honestly feel at this moment in my life I cant live without.  Some of the items as you'll see from the picture above are drug store items and high end.  For about 2 years I was having a few problems with my skin, I used to to take really bad breakouts on my forehead and temples.  I started to feel really self conscious about my skin so much so I went to private skin clinics (which to be totally honest the skin clinic really didn't help me) and my GP.  Its only recently in the past 5 months I've seen a major transformation in my skin and its been since using all the above products.

Firstly,  Clean&Clear Blackhead Clearing Cleanser and Clean&Clear Blackhead Clearing Daily Scrub.  I actually hadn't read any reviews on these products before I bought them I just took a fancy to it when I was in boots one day the thing that attracted me to it was the fact it contains salicylic acid and I've been told numerous times this ingredient is great for blemishes as it kills bacteria.  Now I know people are very skeptical of products that contain alcohol, and I'm by no way saying people with severe acne should go out and buy this product, I simply just want to let you know about my personal experience of it.
   So basically in my routine I use the clearing daily scrub every morning.  I KNOW I KNOW you'll be thinking why is she exfoliating everyday.  This is no where near being like a normal exfoliator its nice a creamy texture with tiny little microbeads the beads dont feel rough on the skin at all you barely even notice they're in there!  I then rinse this off my face and let my face dry naturally I dont use a towel on my face at all.  I then pour some of the clearing cleanser onto a cotton pad (once my face is nice and dry) and basically just wipe all over my face with it this will take every inch of remaining make up or stubborn dirt you cant see off of your face.  Again some of you will be thinking how is this going to help it will just dry your skin out but I genuinley feel products like this are amazing teamed up with the right type of moisturisers and they cost a fraction of the price you'll literally get these 2 products for under £10.
     These two products have been amazing for me the redness in my skin went down really fast and I now have no little bumps at all!!! Like every new product you try you really need to stick with it for at least two weeks and trust me if your skin is similar to what mine was you'll see amazing results.

This the takes me onto my next step which is Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair.  I use this morning and night straight after I've cleansed.  It really is a beautiful product it makes your skin feel amazing.  When I first started using this i seen results straight away, any red marks i had were drastically reduced my skin looked tighter and in general looked much fresher not long after using Estee Lauder products as well my work colleagues actually commented on how nice and radiant my skin was looking.  I actually cant stress enough how good this product is, its not cheap but its absolutely worth every single penny!!

On to the next one... Estee Lauder Day Wear.  I use the normal/combination skin creme this is what I have found to be best for me.  I received a sample size of this product and I have to say I've never seen such good results after using a product once.  The first thing I loved about it was the nice fresh smell the creme has it smells of freshly cut cucumber and its a nice pale green colour, the texture of it feels nice and thick but not too thick and it doesn't leave a greasy feeling which I have found a lot of moisturisers can do and i absolutely hate that.  I sound like a broken record but again i cant praise this item enough and do not let the price put you off because there is absolutely no way you'll be disappointed in the results.

Nearly there sorry if I seem like I'm ranting... Estee Lauder Idealist Even Skintone Illuminator.  This is just a sample size I've not actually bought the full size yet but I love using this before I put foundation on I think it helps give a really nice even finish and a lovely glow to your foundation if you use a matte foundation like I do.

Finally!!! Dalacin Topical Solution.  Now this product only applies to people with really bad blemishes as you can actually only get this on prescription.  I've been using this for about 4/5 months and this has been a god send I'm so glad my GP prescribed it to me.  I had tried a good few other prescription products before this and none of them had the same results.  This teamed up with a really good skincare routine will definitely help anyone with mild acne.  I put this on every night after my full routine, you probably can use it in the morning as well but I felt I seen better results using it just before I went to bed.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

First Blog Post - Pay Day Treats

Sooooooo... this is my first ever blog post (so go easy on me).  Basically my blog is going to be about beauty, fashion and a little bit of lifestyle and by lifestyle I mean food (major foodie)!!
    BEAUTY my focus on beauty will mainly be skincare reason being I have been through a lot with my skin and tested quite a few different products.  When I say I've been through a lot I basically mean a few stubborn blemishes nothing serious so i really do feel for those who have serious skin problems and hope my blog will help people who have been in a similar or worse situation to myself.  I'll also have a large focus on hair products and some other random beauty products.
         FASHION I'm a major shopaholic/impulse buyer im the person that ends up posting 40 items on eBay a month because I've spent all my wages within a few days (so watch out for my eBay link). I'll be sharing outfit posts, the DO's and DONT's (i.e VPL my major pet hate and i'll never understand it for the month of Sunday!! For those who don't know what VPL means it may well apply to you and help is at hand).
       Finally LIFESTYLE I have the appetite of a large rugby player so you will probably see a good amount of food posts from me!  I like to think of myself as a fine diner (on pay day) but I'm the first to admit my absolute guilty please is a cheap cheeseburger from a burger van disgusting I know (unless your with me on this one).

So onto what my post is actually about sorry for going off on such a tangent... Here is a haul of some of the things I treated myself to in celebration of PAY DAY!

First things first two of my absolute must haves in life... Estee Lauder Day Wear Anti Oxidant Creme 50ml £40  & Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair 30ml £48.  These two products are literally the best thing since ASOS was founded.  I've genuinely never used anything better on my skin I will go into a more detailed post about this with a full review if you buy two products just now as well you get a gift with purchase and if you go to boots you also get £10 worth of points with two purchases.

Secondly Office On top pointed High Heels in Light Pink £65.  I'm not usually a light pink or just in general pink person but I absolutely fell in love with these.  I love pointed heels just now and i think these are an absolute must have staple item.  I love matching them with skinny jeans.
Which brings me onto my Topshop Super High Joni Jeans in White £36.  This is actually the first pair of white jeans ive ever purchased.  I love the Joni Jeans from Topshop simply because they are so comfy and I love everything high waisted so it kind of adds up.

I would like to think im leaving the best til last but then i would be taking credit away from Estee Lauder skincare soooo this is a close second.  ZARA Pastel Faux Leather Jacket.  I absolutely had to have this when I seen it I fell in love with the colour.  This came to £69.99 and its worth every penny.  I have found before with faux leather that its quite thin and has no heat this is the total opposite it feels really heavy and it actually feels similar to real leather.

Sorry if I've gave you a sore head, but I hope you've enjoyed my first post and hopefully this will be the first of many! Let me know what you think of the products/items or if you have any questions at all just holaaaa!!

Sunday 2 February 2014

Bloglovin' Test

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